Visual style guide
App Name
Fresh + Shop
This name is Neologisima brand name.(Neologisms are new words created by respelling existing words or by combining words.)
App Icon
User testing
about visual style
Carolina instructor
Bookmark add pop up is little wire, but do bookmark icon on the list
No pop-up message
Color is too dark green and monotone, just add more colors
The overall design is nice because her concept is about simple and clear.
I can get a lot of information with clear layout and design.
Justin Choi 29 design student
Few word choices are little wired, so please change them
I think opacity for location pins are not working but try different sizes.
This is very easy to use. Clear icons are very helpful to use and understand about this app.
I this her main problem is being solved and give more information I expect.
simple color and layout are nice.
Son Sang Hee 28 design student
Too dark background on the big picture view. This green is little dark, When I think about the farmers market, little bright green is appropriate.
Repeated information on one screen. Please delete and add different information.
If without icons, this app is little simple, so icons make this app nicer.
Visually very nice.
Lindy Han 24 student
A homepage is little wired. Just 8 buttons and one blank. I think you need to add something on this.
Few fonts are too small to read on the phone, so make bigger.
I think now some screens are missing like setting and add photos, make more screens for good user flow.
Top Insights
Bookmark add pop up is little wire, but do bookmark icon on the list
Color is too dark green and monotone, just add more colors​
I think opacity for location pins are not working but try different sizes.
Too dark background on the big picture view. This green is little dark, When I think about the farmers market, little bright green is appropriate.
Few fonts are too small to read on the phone, so make bigger.​